About the shop
Most items in our web store are designed by our team and produced exclusively for Penninn - Sólarfilma. We are the actual source with a warehouse in Iceland. Our webstore is organized in a way we hope will make it easy for you to find what you are looking for. You can either browse a general category like apparel, postcards, soft toys etc., or you can search through "themes" like Vikings, magic symbols, trolls or Icelandic animals. Browsing through a "theme" lists all pertinent items across all the general categories - so searching for example the "Viking theme" will show all Viking items in apparel, magnets, soft toys, etc.
Sólarfilma was founded in 1961 and our web store has been in operation since 2001 and now is owned and manage by Penninn ehf. . It is updated on a daily basis so the stock should always be correct, ensuring that what you order is currently available.